Welcome to my page. I am pleased to announce that Magic Collapse is now available.  Please signup to my newsletter to receive your free short story eBook which expands on the Magic Collapse story and for sneak peeks at the science fiction graphics novel that I am also working on.


Available May 10th

Use the link below.

Magic Collapse

Get ready for an epic adventure on the floating islands of Arthenia, where magic is unraveling, and danger lurks around every corner! Join Robyn a brave and determined heroine, as she teams up with the cunning Leonin and the fierce Garrick to fly across treacherous lands and uncover the truth behind the collapse of magic. But be warned, as their own powers weaken wild magic returns with a vengeance, unleashing hazardous elemental forces and secrets that could ignite a war. With powerful enemies on their heels, Robyn and her companions must harness tenacity and use all of their courage and strength to survive and unravel the mysteries of Arthenia. An exciting new adult fantasy that will keep you on the edge of your seat! 

Andrea did such an amazing job on the book cover!

Andrea Aguirre Cover Artist


Never Enough

Year 1901 of Arthenia's founding

Robyn swung the sword hard into her bedpost and then

swung again. She stopped to smirk a little at the chipped pieces that

had splintered from the frame. If only she could swing the sword

into her problems as easily, but smashing up the lavish bed frame and

making it imperfect made her feel better. Perfection everywhere, ugh.

The thought took her smile away.

Footsteps stormed from the hallway, echoing o- the glass. She

waved her hands in a few circles, sending light to the bedpost, rush-

ing the spell a little, speeding the splintered pieces of wood back to

their rightful place and mending the bedpost like it was never broken.

Mostly like it had never been broken. A sharp eye would see the im-

perfections. She admired the slight glow running along the scratches.

She stopped the spell when the banging on her door started, and one

remaining wood chip fell to the floor and the light faded away. Robyn

stashed the sword behind the door and turned back into her room,

where the scarred lines on the bedpost faded away. She stood between

the bedpost and the doorway.

Science Fiction WIP

Dogwood Final Assault

Kelpies, aliens calling themselves Krestorial's, arrived five years prior to the events that take place in the story Dogwood Final Assault.

These Kelpies began their destructive invasion of earth by first building a complex space station base in orbit of Jupiter. This base stripped Jupiter of its atmosphere and mined the moons for resources. These resources created an endless supply of drones and weapons sent to level Earth's cities.

Before their Jupiter base was completed the Krestorial's began a shock and awe campaign, sending small piloted ships to attack Earth.

A few lucky encounters and determination sent the Earth's defensive response into overdrive. Cheyanne mountain complex was the culmination of reverse engineering and human ingenuity creating a military city complex ran by the invading aliens very technology. The military city ran the length of the Rocky mountains stretching from the remains of Denver Colorado to Yellowstone national park where the alien technology was powered by the super volcano.

Dogwood Final Assault, an upcoming graphics novel, picks up the story when the Krestorial's crush Cheyanne mountain, leaving the human defenses shattered.

Amazing Talented Artist

Micah Rauch is the talented artist transforming my story into a graphics novel. Find him on instagram.


Phone: Please don't call me, I'll call you. Otherwise if you know, you know.

Email: contact@cosmicversestudios.com

Follow me at the social links below or read some of my stories on Ream Stories or Amazon.


Wilton Burke is a writer and dreamer of science fiction and fantasy. He has written various novellas and novels. And is always dreaming up new characters and scenes. His first published novel Magic Collapse is now in print and he is already working on the follow up story along with completing the science fiction graphics novel Dogwood Final Assault.  

His drawings can be found on his instagram page or newsletter. 


About Cosmic Verse Studios

Cosmic Verse Studios is my brand as an umbrella. As I am working on graphics novels and have some secret plans I felt it was important that I launch my web presence with a name beyond my Author name. Should I begin to offer services or utilities they will be under this banner and not my name. In the near term Cosmic Verse Studios == Wilton Burke == Cosmic Verse Studios. If that should change I will send out a newsletter.